For the last three weeks I have started my morning by drinking a "Green Smoothie". In the last three weeks I have been able to see a difference in my energy, my weight and my bowels (too much?). I have already proved that the "Green Smoothie" curbs my cravings for sweets and gives me a lasting fullness. After all there was that day I didn't drink one and the mini binge that ensued. So, ah la, The Pioneer Woman, I will be sharing my "recipe" for the "Green Smoothie" with pictures.
First, grab some produce. Anything really. Spinach. Kale. Chard. Lemons. Limes. Oranges. I use mostly frozen fruit for cost and because we don't have ice. Can't have a smoothie without something frozen.

Gather up the "Super Foods" you would like to add to boost your beverage. Here you see Mesquite Pod Flour, Coconut Water, Flax Seeds, Black Cherry Concentrate.
Cut, peel and clean the produce.
Frozen fruits in first. I buy whatever fruit is on sale. If you want to trick your husband or children into drinking this smoothie you better add some dark berries so they don't see the green stuff. If you add only light fruits you will truly have a GREEN smoothie!
Add the "Green". I like spinach because it is mild and you can't taste it. Kale. Not so much. I may be adding more greens later but for now this is the one.
Add more power packed foods. Here I am adding Flax seeds.
I forgot to add the picture of me adding coconut water. You can also use regular water to make your smoothie smooth. Otherwise it will come out in chunks. Who likes drinking a chunky? GROSS!
There really is no one way to make this delish drink. Adding yogurt makes it creamier but it also adds points. I have been very happy with just using water or coconut water. You might not believe me but the fruit is sweet enough! You don't need to add anything to sweeten it up. No, really, you don't. I just added a lemon this morning and I swear it tastes just like kind of like Sonic's Lemon Berry Slush.
Try it. Trick your family members. Enjoy a refreshing and healthy treat.
PS I love my Ninja Blender. The End.

That looks tasty! I may have to try it. I also may start adding coconut water to other things. That sounds delicious.
yummy, yummy, yummy
I added goat's milk and goat's milk yogurt to mine so my son could drink it and so we'd get our good bacteria fix at the same time. Yum! Thanks for your inspiration.
I make a "green" smoothie almost every day. All I add is frozen fruit - a huge variety. Some days, if I have fresh fruit on hand, then I will add it too. I add mostly water. Some days I add a little bit of OJ, but I've never done veggies, I will have to try that. THEN, I add a scoop of SuperFood Supreme Complete Formula from GNC (which has more antioxidant capacity than 13 fruits and vegetables)! I also add a Emergen-C Vitamin C packet in Super Orange flavor. Days where I need a extra energy boost, I'll add half of a 5 hour energy drink. It's absolutely delicious, even my husband will drink it. :) I make the same thing for Peyton without the 5 hour energy! Good luck to you!
Thanks for the added suggestions! I will be checking out some of them. I wish I could find some low fat goat milk yogurt.
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