One fat girl's mission to get skinny.

Friday, May 27, 2011

20 Ways I Can Tell I've Lost 20lbs.

1.  I have a lap.

2.  My towel wraps around me.
3.  I can bend over to tie my shoes without sounding like a pig.

4.  Fatigue is no longer a problem.

5.  I can feel my collar bones.

6.  I can feel my hip bones.

7.  I can feel my butt bones.

8.  In short, I have bones I didn't know I had.

9.  I can run.

10.  I can play Ultimate Frisbee with my Youth.  They actually pass me the Frisbee too!

11.  I don't need to shop in the Plus Size area anymore!

12.  I can slide into a booth with ease and the table doesn't cut off my air supply!

13.  I can clasp my hands behind my back.

14.  I bought a swimsuit last year and it's too big!

15.  My back doesn't hurt.  much.  (ehem...I still haven't lost much in the chest area....)

16.  My underwear falls off and my bra actually fits correctly!  

17.  My Netflix have been seriously neglected.

18.  I am excited that my husband is buying me running shoes for our anniversary.

19.  I have lost 35 inches from all over my body.

20.  The scale says so!  (From 244 to 223.2) Follow Me on Pinterest

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Over Half Way There!

Tonight I just finished Week 5 of Couch to 5K (C25K)!  I feel great!  I never thought I would claim to be a runner but I am really enjoying it.  This was the first time we ran 20 minutes straight.  I am still in shock that I was able to do it!  I more than did it!  I CONQUERED IT!  Now, now, don't get me wrong I wanted to stop.  My body was telling me that this is hard but it also celebrated when I finished!  I like that feeling, could it be a runner's high?  I feel like making it to 35 is nothing now.  (We will see if I am still saying that by Week 9)  Training for the 5K does cause me to wonder, why in the heck did we not run this way in school?  What I remember of running in middle school was that you had to run a mile.  There was no real warm up or training for that kind of thing.  I think if there had been I would have been more successful in gym class. 

On a weight loss note,  I am struggling to officially get to my first 20lb loss.  I have been hovering right under it for a couple of weeks now.  I think I am at 19.6!  I haven't tracked my food as well as I should and boy that makes all the difference in the world!  My goal is to track my food every day this week and see what a difference that makes on the scale on Thursday!  (I know the answer already!  It will.)  Do you remember this picture?

Here I am with my husband in the same dress.  I know it's not the best picture of me in the dress but let me tell you I could zip it up without the help of SPANX!  Do you see the best part?  It's right there above the dress.  The average eye wouldn't even notice it.  It's a neck!  I have a neck, people!  Go ahead.  Scroll back up and look at the first picture (it is beyond me why the dad gum thing isn't centered) you know you want to.  That's right.  No neck.  Neck.  No neck.  Neck.  It's a beautiful thing!

Stay tuned for my first Top 20 List!  Hopefully this week will be my week! 

Happy Eating! Follow Me on Pinterest