One fat girl's mission to get skinny.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Appleby Community Farm

Remember when I said I would post a surprise on Friday? 

Hello Saturday 2 weeks later!  Oops. 

I hope I don't disappoint.  With all the waiting and anticipation I hope the post isn't anti climatic. 

Carl and I invested in a farm!  Well, kinda.  We bought a share.  We are now a part of the Appleby Community Farm!  Really my friend Jennifer and her family and I are sharing a full share.  What that means is every Friday we take turns picking up fresh produce and splitting the share.  The food is grown right there on the farm for us to see and is all organic.  We even have the option of buying organic eggs and goat milk and cheese at pick up.  I picked up our 3rd share yesterday and I am so happy!  Right now we are mostly receiving lettuces.  It's so much that I still have a produce drawer full by the time the next Friday rolls around! 

Here is what a share looks like. 

Butter lettuce, Collard Greens, Green Onions, Spinach and Lamb Quarters

See how much!  The veggies are in the floor of my car!

Jennifer and I went out last Thursday afternoon and worked on the farm.  To keep costs down on your share you have the option to work the fields.  It is mostly all about pulling weeds but we also got to pull some veggies that had bolted.  Bolting is when a plant seeds and becomes bitter.  I am learning so much!  Speaking of learning,  I learned that bull nettle sucks!  It stings like the dickens!  I got it on my hands and knees and it was still stinging by the time I was ready for bed.  I used an old East Texas remedy that was gross but also worked like a charm.  Even with the stinging nettle, working in the garden was a blast!  I was able to get a good workout and also a nice therapy session with Jennifer!  Therapy=pulling weeds.  If you are interested in buying your own share at a community farm check out Local Harvest!

I am off to make a green smoothie using the wild lambs quarters.  YUM!  Enjoy your Saturday!
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