One fat girl's mission to get skinny.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I am down 6 lbs!  I also got my first sticker!  The five pound star!  It's all very exciting.

I will admit it hasn't been easy.  I am hungry.  I have been able to see stuble changes.  I know that my Route 44 water with lime is my lifeline.  I can tell a difference a HUGE difference in my hunger level on whether or not I've had my water.  I've been drinking a Sonic water every work day for a year and a half now.  I just never noticed my snacking habits until this week. 

The other observation I have made in the last two weeks is that fruit is just as sweet as, say, a cookie.  Or maybe, I just can't remember what a cookie tastes like. 

Either way,  I am 6 lbs lighter and a little more hungry. Follow Me on Pinterest

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